Freer Park
Located on Buena Vista Boulevard and Centennial, Carthage Parks and the City of Carthage Master plan include Freer Park's future development. Not much is present currently. Carthage Parks and Recreation is gathering ideas through a Masterplan Process to manage this space the best possible for the community. Community input is vital, and Carthage Parks considers no idea too big or small.
The Carthage Parks and Recreation Department is developing a Master Plan that will guide the future of parks, trails, and recreation services in our community over the next ten years. Public input is crucial to the plan's development. In addition to public workshops, focus groups, and citizen interviews, Carthage is also conducting a Community Interest and Opinion Survey to better understand our residents' priorities for parks, trails, sports and recreation facilities, programs, and services within the community.
Your response to this link survey is extremely important. We realize your time is valuable. The time you invest in completing this survey will aid Carthage Parks, and Recreation in taking a resident-driven approach to making decisions that will enrich our community's future and positively affect the lives of its residents.
We have selected ETC Institute, an independent consulting company, as our partner to administer this survey. They will compile the data received and present the results to Carthage. Your responses will remain confidential. If you have any questions, please contact Abi Almandinger by calling 417-237-7035 or by email.